
Tutorial-style look into Data Visualization with Python

View the Project on GitHub lucasdurand/visualization-seminar

  1. Have a local Python(3.7) environment

    • Anaconda is an easy way to do this, although somewhat bloated with packages

    • If you are short on space, consider installing Miniconda as we will be working in a virtualenv anyways

  2. Have git, a version control tool (you should be able to run git in your terminal/cmd. If not, install it:

    • Windows:
    • Mac:
    • Linux: … this should already be here
  3. While you’re at it, make sure you have a github account as well, this will be useful later!

  4. Set up your Python environment.

    1. Clone this repo
     git clone
     cd visualization-seminar
    1. Create a virtualenv and install our packages:
     pip install pipenv # install pipenv if not already installed
     pipenv install --skip-lock # this installs everything we need
  5. Once everything is installed you can activate the environment with pipenv shell.

    • Now things should work as expected: try running jupyter notebook to launch a Jupyter instance and confirm everything is happy.
  6. Install the Heroku CLI. Go ahead and create yourself a free account while you’re at it. We are going to use this later to deploy an app to the Cloud.